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Planning Phase
Mountain Metro
Winter 2023 - 2024
  • Collect, analyze, and map current conditions of Regional and Specialized Transit Plans.
  • Establish Regional Transit Plan goals and objectives.
  • Develop evaluation criteria to screen draft scenarios for the Regional Transit Plan that meet project goals and objectives.
  • Develop draft Regional Transit Plan scenarios to be evaluated.
  • Develop draft needs and strategies for Specialized Transit Plan.
  • Begin development of Public Involvement Plan.
  • Establish an advisory committee.
  • Conduct public involvement activities.
Spring 2024
  • Finalize Specialized Transit Plan needs and strategies.
  • Evaluate technology inventory to inform draft recommendations.  
  • Engage stakeholders and the broader public to collect feedback on the draft Regional and Specialized Transit Plans.
Summer 2024
  • Finalize Regional and Specialized Transit Plans for publication.

2050 Regional Transit & Specialized Transportation Plans