As the result of engineering studies and public input, the City is planning to make Pikes Peak Avenue a bike boulevard between S Walnut St and 31st St. Improvements will be installed in two phases, with the first phase occurring during Fall 2024 and the second phase of installation during Spring 2025.
Changes will include a neighborhood traffic circle at the intersection of Pikes Peak Ave/S Walnut St and a raised crosswalk in the vicinity of Pikes Peak Ave/S 9th St (at the pedestrian signal in proximity to Buena Vista School).
Safety improvements are also underway for the all-way stop intersection of Pikes Peak Ave/21st St. A pilot project at the intersection of Pikes Peak Ave/30th St is in design. Bike boulevard pavement markings and signs will be installed along the corridor for awareness, in addition to a “bike climbing lane” between 25th St and 27th St to provide dedicated space for cyclists on the steeper grades.
The City of Colorado Springs has initiated a study to determine how Pikes Peak Avenue and Cucharras Street, west of I-25, might be improved as bike boulevards. The figure below shows the extents of the proposed bike boulevards.
Bike boulevards do not have striped bike lanes and do not force the removal of on-street parking. Rather, bike boulevards incorporate traffic calming treatments with the primary goal of prioritizing bicycle through-travel, while discouraging motor vehicle traffic and maintaining relatively low motor vehicle speeds. They are typically quiet streets, often through residential neighborhoods. Treatments vary depending on context, but often include traffic diverters, speed attenuators, pavement markings, and signs. Treatments are also used to create safe, convenient bicycle crossings of busy streets.
On the Colorado Springs Bike Map, the study portion of Pikes Peak Avenue is currently classified as a bike route, which means it has been identified as a low-volume, low-speed street suitable for cycling. The study portion of Cucharras Street is also classified as a bike route; the segment of Cucharras Street between 21st Street and 28th Street is already classified as a bike boulevard but with few of the features typical of a bike boulevard.
This project is derived from the Midland Corridor Study that was completed in 2022. The study provided a holistic study of the Midland Corridor area between Walnut Street and 31st. It evaluated the multi-modal transportation vision for the entire area and the role Colorado Avenue could fulfill within the larger area.

Public Information

Public Meeting - April 25, 2024
This meeting was to present potential project ideas to citizens in the area, report current feedback received, and hear resident feedback. The project reviews the potential bike boulevards on Pikes Peak Ave, to provide a safe environment for cyclists in addition to the Midland Bike Trail.
Where: Westside Community Center, 1628 West Bijou St. 80904
When: April 25 6-7 p.m.