The link below is a PDF of the entire 2012 Budget document. |
Below are links to the sections of the 2012 Budget document with a brief description of each section.
City Officials provides the City Leadership and City Council members.
A Guide to the City Budget provides a brief overview of the budget document and helps identify the section in which the reader may be most interested.
Mayor's Letter provides an overview of the budget, the major financial and service issues, and strategies for the General Fund. (pg. iii to vi)
City Organizational Chart provides an overview of the City organizational structure. (pg. vii)
2012 Budget Objectives provides an overview of the objectives that were established for the 2012 Budget preparation cycle. (pg. viii to ix)
Colorado Springs at a Glance provides fast facts about Colorado Springs, such as population, median age, and street miles. (pg. x)
Community Profile provides a history of the City including an overview of the economy. (pg. xi to xii)
General Fund Summary (chapter 1)
The General Fund includes basic services such as: Fire; Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; Planning and Development; Police; Communications; and Public Works.
This section provides tables and graphs of revenue and expenditures.
Expenditure Overview
Revenue Overview
Eight Year Financial Outlook
Economic Overview
All Funds Summary (chapter 2) provides an overview of budgets, a fund balance overview for all funds, a brief review of the City's financial and fund structure, and contains information on special revenue, internal services, and fiduciary funds. It also provides information on Debt, Grants and Taxes.
Debt Overview
Grants Overview
Taxes Overview
Position Summary provides an overview of the distribution of employees by fund and business center. It also presents changes in employees between current year and prior year. The Department/Division Narratives contain summary information at the organizational unit level. This includes an organizational chart, a summary of the department, operating budget, personnel summary, major changes to the budget, performance indicators, and major objectives.
Click on any of the following to view the narrative:
Elected Official
City Council (chapter 4)
Mayor (chapter 5)
Airport (chapter 6)
Budget Office (chapter 7)
City Attorney (chapter 8)
City Auditor (chapter 9)
City Clerk (chapter 10)
Communications (chapter 11)
Economic Vitality (chapter 12)
Finance (chapters 13): Organizational Chart, Accounts Payable, Controller, Payroll and Pensions, Sales Tax
Fire (chapter 14)
General Costs (chapter 15) - contains information on general costs
Human Resources (chapter 16)
Information Technology (chapter 17)
Innovation and Sustainability (Chapter18): Organizational Chart, Innovation and Sustainability, Office Services, Procurement Services
Municipal Court (chapter 19)
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (chapter 20): Organizational Chart, Cemeteries Enterprise, Cultural Services, Forestry, Golf Enterprise, Park Operations and Development, Pikes Peak - America's Mountain, Recreation and Administration
Planning and Development (chapter 21): Organizational Chart, Development Review Enterprise, Engineering Development Review, Housing, Land Use Review, Real Estate Services
Police (chapter 22)
Public Works (chapter 23): Organizational Chart, City Engineering, Fleet Management, Parking System Enterprise, Streets, Traffic Engineering, Transit
Capital Improvements Program (CIP) (chapter 24) - description of the City's ongoing capital improvements
Budget Development (appendix A)
Financial Policies (appendix B)
Strategic Plan (appendix C)
Detailed Revenue Estimates (appendix D)
Glossary (appendix E)
Appropriation Ordinance (appendix F)
Index (appendix G)