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Acts of kindness can energize and warm the souls of both the person sharing goodness and those receiving it.  Our local health care workers deserve our appreciation and a little extra kindness during these tough times.  Below are some suggested ways to directly support front line health care workers through donations or an encouraging note.  

UCHealth: Memorial Hospital Central, Memorial Hospital North, Grandview Hospital or Pikes Peak Regional Hospital

  • First, send an email to Amy Dempsey at to coordinate any donations. In the subject line, please write: #smallacts campaign.
    • Order meals from a local Colorado Springs restaurant to feed a unit at any of our four hospitals. Please provide one-week notice.
    • Buy gift cards for local restaurants and provide them to the hospital to purchase meals for health care workers.
    • Purchased prepackaged snacks and drinks that will be placed in breakrooms throughout the hospitals to remind employees of community support. 
  • Make a donation through the Memorial Hospital Foundation for the hospital to purchase meals or snacks. Please reach out to
  • While online, send cards, letters, pictures, drawings, to:

Penrose-St. Francis Health Services: Penrose Hospital and St. Francis Medical Center

  • Please use this form to send cards, letters, drawings to share your encouragement and thanks. 
  • Send gift cards for local restaurants to purchase meals for health care workers:

Penrose-St Francis Health Services
Attn: Andrea Sinclair, Administration & Communications/PR
​2222 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80907


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