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The Colorado Springs Police Department cordially invites our community and the media to the graduation ceremony of the 75th Police Officer Class.

When: Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 3:00 P.M.

Radiant Church

4020 Maizeland Road
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Live-Streaming: The CSPD will also live-stream this event on our Facebook starting at 3:00 P.M.  

The 75th Recruit Class is comprised of 42 men and women who have undergone 28 weeks of intensive training. Their curriculum included rigorous hands-on training, testing, and more. Every new officer has successfully passed their POST certification test and is ready to begin their service to our community. Following their graduation, the new Officers will spend the next 15 weeks in field training before they begin responding to calls on their own.

This class has much to be proud of. Not just in their collective resilience, but also in the backgrounds and experiences they bring. Some facts about the class include:

  • 9 graduates can speak a foreign language.
  • They come from 14 different states, one from Peru, one from New Zealand and three from Germany.
  • 25 graduates have served, or are currently serving, in the Armed Forces
  • There are 21 graduates that hold Bachelor’s degrees, 16 hold Associate degrees, and the remaining graduates have some form of college experience
  • And much more

We hope you can join us for this special event.

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