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The following is a statement from the five Colorado Springs Councilmembers (President Pro Tem Lynette Crow-Iverson, Dave Donelson District 1, Michelle Talarico District 3, Mike O’Malley District 6, and Brian Risley At Large) who opposed the establishment of a new Emergency Medical Services Enterprise within the City of Colorado Springs on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. 

Background Context

In Tuesday’s Regular Meeting of City Council we heard a proposal for the City of Colorado Springs to establish a new City Enterprise to provide Emergency Medical Services through the Colorado Springs Fire Department. After a robust hearing and several months of researching the cost and benefit analyses provided from many sources, a majority of City Council ultimately decided it was not in the best interest of the citizens of Colorado Springs to establish this new enterprise with the risk involved in such a venture. In a 5-4 vote, the majority of City Council determined the financial concerns outweigh the potential benefits of an enterprise.

Financial stewardship is a fundamental role of the City Council as outlined by City Charter, and was a central theme in the decision-making process. Councilmembers in opposition cited the financial risk involved with an enterprise and expressed concerns there could ultimately be impacts to the City’s budget. Alternative solutions were presented including a competitive request for proposal (RFP) process and allowing voters to decide on a proposal for Emergency Medical Services. 

Statement from opposing Councilmembers

“With public safety and fiscal responsibility in the forefront, the Colorado Springs City Council majority voted against the proposed establishment of an Emergency Medical Services Enterprise. Regardless of how individual Councilmembers voted, each Councilmember voted for what they viewed as the best course of action for the City. As a whole, the City Council is entrusted with making informed and financially responsible decisions on behalf of residents. While the Mayor continues to make divisive statements about City Council, we will continue to make decisions that are in the best interest of the citizens of Colorado Springs. The City Council proudly supports the Colorado Springs Fire Department and their continued endeavor to provide the best possible care for the citizens of Colorado Springs. We have the utmost confidence in the City’s ability to continue to provide reliable and cost-effective services to our citizens.”

President Pro Tem Lynette Crow-Iverson, Dave Donelson District 1, Michelle Talarico District 3, Mike O’Malley District 6, and Brian Risley At Large

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