Although most animals people keep as pets are allowed within the City, certain regulations apply to each kind of animal. The following sections describe the regulations that pertain to certain types of animals. The list of regulations is by no means complete; animal owners should investigate all regulations by calling either the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region or the Land Use Review Division (contact information follows).
Dogs and Cats
The City of Colorado Springs allows up to four (4) dogs and four (4) cats over four (4) months of age per property pursuant to City Code Subsection 6.7.106.F. Dogs and cats are required to be vaccinated and to be licensed through the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region.
For more information about Animal Law Enforcement, public pet services, or pet adoption, or to support animal welfare in our region, visit the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region.
If a property exceeds the codified limitation for domestic pets, it may be considered a kennel, which is not a permitted use within residential zones. A kennel is allowed only in the Agricultural (A) zone. Pursuant to City Code Subsection 7.3.105.G, all buildings and runs must be constructed at least 55 feet from any property line.
Rabbits and Chickens
Property owners are allowed to keep up to ten (10) rabbits or chickens aged six months or older. Roosters are prohibited.
Shelters/coops for rabbits or chickens must contain at least four (4) square feet for each rabbit or chicken. These structures must meet established applicable zoning and building codes and regulations including those for accessory structures found in City Code Subsection 7.3.105.A.
Slaughtering of animals is prohibited on residential lots.
Hoofed Animals
Hoofed animals include cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and mules. The City Code regulates sanitary requirements in Subsection 6.9.101.
Hoofed animals, including any goat weight less than 100 pounds at maturity such as a dwarf or pygmy goat for purposes of Urban Agriculture, must comply with the following zoning requirements –
- Up to four (4) hoofed pets may be kept on a property. If three (3) or more hoofed pets are kept on the same property, a housing structure that meets the following standards shall be required:
- The housing structure shall be located within the rear fifty percent (50%) of the lot.
- The housing structure shall be at least twenty (20) feet from any abutting property line.
- The housing structure shall provide adequate shelter for the hoofed pets.
- Each hoofed pet shall have access to at least one-hundred and thirty (130) square feet of permeable area per goat in the rear fifty (50%) percent of the lot.
This use is permitted in all zone districts with the exception of PK Public Parks. For questions, please call 719-385-5905 or email
Slaughtering of animals is prohibited on residential lots.
Potbellied Pigs
Although hogs and pigs are prohibited, up to two (2) potbellied pigs may be kept in any household or dwelling. Potbellied pigs cannot exceed one hundred (100) pounds, must be registered with the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region, and must be either spayed or neutered by four (4) months of age. All potbellied pigs must be tattooed or implanted with a microchip containing identifying information by four (4) months old.
For other regulations pertaining to potbellied pigs, contact the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region.
Slaughtering of animals is prohibited on residential lots.
Exotic Animals
Exotic animals are those which are not commonly domesticated nor common to North America or which, irrespective of geographic origin, are of a wild or predatory nature. It is unlawful for anyone to own or keep an exotic animal within the City limits unless they have first obtained an Exotic Animal Permit.
Regulations specific to exotic animals may be found in the City Code Sections 6.7.111 through 6.7.114.
The application for a Permit must be made to the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region along with all required fees.
Private Stables
Pursuant to City Code Subsection 7.3.105.L, stables and corrals are permitted within any residential zone district as long as the lot is at least 37,000 square feet in area and all buildings and corrals are constructed at least 55 feet from the building envelope of the adjacent lot.