Welcome to the Sex Offender Information page where you can search for sex offenders and view violent sexual predator information for offenders who reside within the Colorado Springs city limits. You can also find links to other sex offender search tools.
As you view the information provided, please consider the following:
- State law limits which sex offenders that police departments can post online. Some sex offenders convicted of some types of misdemeanors cannot be included on internet-based lists or searches.
- The information provided does not include juvenile offenders.
- The information is provided only for persons who physically reside within the Colorado Springs city limits.
- Use of this information to threaten, intimidate or harass any person on this list, including vandalism of property, verbal or written threats of harm or physical assault against an individual on this list, their family, or employer, may result in your arrest and prosecution.
- The registration information available on this website will be updated on a regular basis to reflect the most current information on file with the Colorado Springs Police Department. Registrants on the list do move and may fail to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency of their change in residence. As a result, the CSPD cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
- If you have information regarding current criminal activity of these or any other offenders, please call 911 if it is an emergency. If it is not an emergency, please call (719) 444-7000.
If you have any questions regarding sex offenders, please contact the Registered Sex Offender Unit at (719) 444-7996 or (719) 444-7967.
NOTE: If you are required to register as a sex offender and reside within the city limits of Colorado Springs, please click the button below for detailed information on the CSPD's registration process.