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The City of Colorado Springs will start construction this summer to extend Centennial Boulevard from Fillmore Street to the I-25/Fontanero Street interchange. Join us Weds, March 10 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. for a virtual public meeting to learn more about the project.

Pre-register for the public meeting and sign up for project updates, newsletters and email reminders about public meetings.

Pre-register for the meeting 

The new connection will enhance access to future and existing residential developments, recreational areas, and the Veterans Affairs Clinic. It will also provide much needed connectivity and mobility options to the west side of Colorado Springs, as well as alleviate traffic congestion along Fillmore Street and Chestnut Street. Construction will include earthwork, utility and drainage infrastructure, roadway paving, curbing, pedestrian facilities, lighting, and landscaping.

For more information about the Centennial Boulevard Extension visit the project webpage.

On the day of the meeting:

Please log on a few minutes early to work out any technology issues.  The presentation will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions.

Join the meeting

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