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The City of Colorado Springs announced today that the new Centennial Boulevard Extension is open to traffic. The voter-approved Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) funded project extends Centennial Boulevard to a 4-lane road from Fillmore Street to Chestnut Street, allowing access to Interstate-25.

The Centennial Boulevard Extension was first planned by the City of Colorado Springs more than 30 years ago. Over time with increased development in the area, the City reclassified Centennial Boulevard as a 4-lane minor arterial. The road alleviates traffic congestion along Fillmore and Chestnut streets while enhancing access to existing and future residential developments, recreational areas, the Veterans Affairs Clinic and other businesses along Fillmore Street and Centennial Boulevard.

Several dignitaries, city, county and state staff, and neighbors participated in cutting the ribbon to officially open the new Centennial Boulevard Extension to traffic. Speakers at the event included Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers, Colorado Springs City Councilmember Dave Donelson, Colorado Springs Utilities CEO Aram Benyamin and El Paso County Commissioners Stan VanderWerf and Holly Williams.  

β€œOn behalf of the City of Colorado Springs, we sincerely thank the community for its cooperation in this project. Road construction impacts residents, business and the traveling public but the cooperation from everyone provided the City with the opportunity to safely build this vital connection,” said Mayor Suthers.

The new roadway improves transportation connections, drainage and provides mobility options to west side neighborhoods. Future trail connectivity to Fillmore Street will provide an off-street route to Coronado High School and Holmes Middle School. The project added street lighting, landscaping, and a pedestrian activated signal for crossing to the open space. Funding for the completed phases of the project totals about $24 million, slightly below budget. The project contractor, SEMA Construction has worked in cooperation with the design engineering firm of AECOM.

The new road extension includes on-street bike lanes on both sides of Centennial Boulevard and a 10-foot multi-purpose trail on the west side that, once complete, will provide adjacent neighborhoods a connection to downtown at Legacy Plaza, gateway to the Legacy Loop trail.

A significant construction element was added to the Centennial Boulevard Extension project through collaboration between the City and Colorado Springs Utilities. Utilities was able to piggyback on the road construction when it was underway by simultaneously constructing a project to expand the waterline from 8” to 20.” 

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