Stormwater Reference and Research Tools are included below to aid designers.
- Design Plan Index: Location for drainage plans and capital drainage reports. Reference numbers can be looked up in SpringsView (Public Works Engineering -> Construction Plans layer).
- Drainage Basin Planning Studies (DBPS): Used to specify major improvements required in each drainage basin. Also used to administer the Drainage Basin Fee Program.
- Engineering Criteria Manuals & References: Link to City Engineering criteria and references
- Master Development Drainage Plans (MDDP): Location for existing master drainage plans for areas around the City. Normally filed based on subdivision name.
- Standard Drawings:
- SpringsView: The SpringsView application allows users to search and view map information for the City of Colorado Springs.
- Subdivision Document Viewer: Contains existing subdivision reports, grading plans, plats, development plans, and inspection documents. Normally filed based on subdivision name.