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Colorado Springs is expected to see a period of below-freezing temperatures, it’s important businesses and homes pay close attention to heating and sprinkler piping.

The Colorado Springs Fire Department wants to remind business owners of the importance of protecting and maintaining fire sprinkler systems to avoid costly damage that broken pipes can cause. Here are some simple steps business owners can take to ensure fire sprinkler piping is protected:

Have your fire sprinkler system evaluated by a professional fire sprinkler company to make sure the system is operational. Systems containing antifreeze must be inspected annually.

Perform routine maintenance (i.e., empty drum drips on dry systems, check for proper antifreeze concentrations, etc.).

Check to make sure insulation is in place to protect piping adjacent to exterior walls, in attics, etc.

Ensure that areas, where fire sprinkler piping is housed, are heated properly and heat is maintained continuously (at or above 40°F) throughout the winter and spring months.

Check thermostats in vacant or unoccupied areas to ensure they are set to reasonable temperatures to keep the space warm. This includes mechanical rooms where fire sprinkler controls are located.

If you do have frozen pipes due not try to thaw them by using torches or other open-flame devices.

Homeowners should also be mindful of frozen pipes and keep their homes heated appropriately. The CSFD would like to remind our community to keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from combustibles, never heat your home with your oven or a propane-powered heater, and be sure to have your chimney’s inspected if you have a wood-burning fireplace.

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