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Planning + Neighborhood Services
November 2019 – February 2020 – Phase 1: Research, Evaluation, and Project Planning – COMPLETED
February – November 2020 – Phase 2: Draft UDC Modules
July 2021 – Module 3 Public Draft Review
July – August 2021 – Module 3 Public Engagement
September 2021 – Phase 3: Consolidated Draft Public Review
September – November 2021 – Consolidated Draft Public Engagement
2022 – Phase 4: Final Draft Review
Spring 2023 – Phase 5: Implementation
Summer 2023 – UDC Goes Into Effect
June 5, 2023 -New Unified Development Code (UDC) Effective

On February 14, 2023, the City Council approved the Unified Development Code (UDC) as a result of the RetoolCOS project.  Since that time, project staff has been trained on new regulations and working to update checklists and fees based on new processes defined by the UDC.  Applications that were submitted prior to the effective date (June 5, 2023) had the option of being reviewed under Chapter 7 regulations or the new UDC per the 'UDC Implementation Policy' (information can be found here).  Chapter 7 regulations can be found at the link below in its entirety.  The UDC has been codified and is available through an interactive site called EnCode (link below).

EnCode - Zoning Code & Mapping 

(Retired) Chapter 7 - Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance